Digital X-ray, also known as computed radiography, is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays to produce detailed images of thebody's internal structures. This non-invasive and painless test can help diagnose and monitor a variety of medical conditions, including bone fractures, lung disease, and dental problems. Digital X-ray is widely used in hospitals and medical centers worldwide, and has become an essential tool in modern diagnostic medicine. During a digital X-ray test, the patient is positioned in front of a special plate that captures the X-ray images. The images are then processed by a computer, which produces detailed, high-quality images of the internal structures. Digital X-ray is a quick and painless test, and can be performed in a variety of settings, including a doctor'soffice or hospital.
Digital X-ray is particularly useful for detecting and diagnosing bone fractures, as well as identifying abnormalities in the lungs, such as pneumonia or lung cancer. It can also be used to identify dental problems, such as cavities or impacted teeth. Digital X-ray is a safe and effective tool for diagnosing and monitoring a wide range of medical conditions, and has helped improve patient outcomes and quality of care.
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